New Parameters for Layout of Handwriting Strokes

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There are many handwriting tools,
but they have the same problem of the layout of strokes:
all the handwriting strokes cannot be seen at once.
They usually resolve it
by letting users explicitly designate the data structures
or by sorting the data in order of time.
In this paper,
we propose a new system to support of getting and arranging ideas
and describe potential parameters of the system
to improve the layout problem.

The system we propose in this paper
has two characteristics
(1) as an idea processor and (2) a presentation tool,
thus has two modes of editting
and alternately shift the modes to get and arrange ideas.
There are similar tools which convert the data
edited in the idea processor mode
into the data which can be edited in the presentation tool mode.
These tools, however, do not convert the presentation data
into the idea processor data.
The cycle method is the most important feature of the system we propose.

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